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Adult male platypuses have venomous (not poisonous) spurs on their ankles, and it is not the hollow spur itself that is venomous. The spur is attached to a venom gland in the platypus's thigh.

It is not known why platypus spurs are venomous, but it is believed to be a defensive mechanism to deter predators. There has been limited research done on platypuses, so it is unknown whether the spur is used in territorial disputes between the males of the species, as only the males have spurs.

Through these spurs, they can deliver a venom strong enough to kill a small dog, and to cause almost paralysing agony to an adult human. Platypus venom contains a protein which lowers blood pressure, also inducing shock.

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11y ago

A male platypus does not have a poisonous spur: it has a venomous spur on each if its back legs. There is a difference, with poison being ingested, and venom being delivered usually via an injection of some sort.

Not enough research has been done into why or how the platypus uses its venomous spur. It is believed to be a defence mechanism, and possibly for use when the male is courting a female, and wishes to ward off another male.

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12y ago

Platypuses have venom, not poison. It is not known why male platypuses have a venomous spur. Scientists theorise that it is either for defence from predators, or more likely a means for defending their territory from other males.

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Q: Why do male platypuses have poisonous spurs on their hind legs?
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No, only male platypuses have spurs on their hind legs. Young females do have them, but lose the spur by about the age of ten months.

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Male platypuses have venomous spurs on their hind legs that can deliver a painful sting, but they are not considered poisonous. The venom is primarily used during territorial disputes and mating rituals, rather than for hunting or defense against predators.

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No part of a platypus is 'poisonous', but male platypuses have a venomous spur on each of their hind legs, through which they can deliver a poison strong enough to kill a small dog, and to cause almost paralysing agony to an adult human. Platypus venom contains a protein which lowers blood pressure, also inducing shock.Female platypuses do not have venom, but they are born with spurs. These spurs fall off by the time the young female is about a year old.

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Yes. Platapuses Can move . they are kind of like beavers with their tail they swim sort of like a fish. and have poisonous hind legs

Does a platypus have one spur or two spurs?

Male platypuses have on spur on each of their back legs. Females have no spurs.

Do male or female platypuses sting?

Male Platypuses have ankle spurs on their hind legs through which they can dispense venom composed largely of defensin-like proteins (DLPs), unique to the Platypus. This venom is powerful enough to kill smaller animals, and to cause agonising pain to humans.

What does the male platypus have on its hind legs that the female doesn't?

Poison claws/spurs.

What triggers the platypuses to sting you?

Platypuses do not "sting". Male platypuses have ankle spurs on their hind legs which are attached to venom glands in either thigh. Through these spurs they can dispense venom composed largely of defensin-like proteins (DLPs), unique to the Platypus. This venom is powerful enough to kill smaller animals, and to cause agonising pain to humans. A male platypus will only spur a person if they are interfering with the animal, trying (foolishly) to capture it.

When do platypuses use their spurs?

Only the adult male platypuses have a spur. This venomous spur on each of their hind legs is the means by which they can deliver a venom strong enough to kill a small dog, and to cause almost paralysing agony to an adult human. Platypus venom also contains a protein which lowers blood pressure, also inducing shock. It appears to be a defence mechanism, although there has been little opportunity for research to determine the spur's purpose. Female platypuses do not have venom, but they are born with spurs. These spurs fall off by the time the young female is about a year old.

Which male mammal has a poisonous spike that sticks out of its hind leg?

There is no male mammal that has a poisonous spike that sticks out of its hind leg. However, adult males platypuses have a hollow spur on each of their hind legs, through which they can deliver a venom strong enough to kill a small dog, and to cause almost paralysing agony to an adult human. The spur is connected to a venom gland in the platypus's thigh.

Do platypuses have a poisonous spur?

The platypus does not have a stinger, but the male has a poisonous spur on its ankle. Used as defence, the spur can deliver enough venom to kill a small dog, or cause extreme agony for a person.