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Caribou shed their antlers because caribou don't have enough calcium and minerals to keep them. They soon grow back new ones once they have enough calcium and minerals.Male caribou shed their antlers soon after the fall mating season is finished. For them, the antlers have served their purpose, and it is an advantage to shed the antlers while food is scarcer in winter. Female caribou that are not pregnant shed their antlers in the winter. Pregnant females keep their antlers until shortly after their babies are born in the spring. Keeping the antlers during winter helps them compete for food, which they need more of to nourish their unborn babies.
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8y ago
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16y ago

There are several main reasons why caribou have antlers. These are: * The caribou need a way to decide mating rites within the group. They use the antlers as large jousting tools, fighting with other males to win mating rights with the female. This also helps decide the hierarchy of the group, with the winning male being the leader of the herd. * The caribou also use their antlers to dig in the snow and soil for food. In the winter months, when food becomes hard to find, they can scratch about on the floor to find food that would other wise be inaccessible. * The third reason for antlers is for defensive purposes. When under attack it is possible to protect not only their own life, but also that of their calves, by swinging their head and blocking the predator with their large antlers. * The last reason for growing antlers explains why caribou and other horned animals shed their antlers in the spring and grow new ones over the summer. It is thought that developing antlers offers a unique cooling system that allows the animal to stay cool in warmer weather. As the warm blood rushes to the antlers to ensure rapid growth, it is cooled quickly by the outside air. This allows the whole body to remain cool even in very hot weather. This ensures that although the caribou is built to survive colder weather, they will not over heat in the summer months.

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14y ago

Buck deer, are part of the Herbivore group.

Which means they pretty much just eat plants, and such.

(If your wondering what is a good way to remember this, jus remember the HERB in HERBivore)

So since moose mainly eat HERBS, they are not getting the main energy they need. Making there body not able to support the antlers.

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12y ago

So they can protect themselves while pregnant and when they are cratering.

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12y ago

To get calcium and nutrient and keep their body strong and healthy.

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15y ago

so they can grow new ones

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14y ago

because they feel like it

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Q: Why do male caribou lose their antlers?
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Which caribou has bigger antlers the male or the female?

Males always have bigger antlers than females.

Deer antlers- male or female?

only male dear (buck) have antlers. Female dear (doe) do not. Unless that female deer is a caribou. Both male and female caribou grow antlers.

What are the sticks on a caribous head called?

Both male an female caribou have antlers. The female caribou have very small antlers that could appear to be very stick like.

When do moses and caribou lose their antlers?

Some time in the winter P.S. it is moose

Do female caribou have horns?

Yes. They are smaller than the bull caribou's antlers.

What is the different about the antlers of a caribou and a moose?

A moose is a large animal, about the same size as a horse. Moose feed on aquatic life in ponds, so they have long necks with a scruffy beard that hangs from the front of the neck (on both male and female) moose. Moose are usually a dark brown color. Male moose have small antlers that eventually grow in paddle shapes. These paddles can grow to be over 50 inches wide. Moose antlers fall off before winter, and female moose don't have antlers. Caribou are somewhere in size between deer and elk. Large caribou tend to be about the size of elk, while young caribou are barely bigger than deer. Caribou are light brown, with white patches on their necks and buttocks. Male and female caribou both grow small antlers when they are young. Older male caribou grow very large, high antlers with a lot of branches. Older female caribou grow modest antlers.

Do female deer have antlers?

nope, only male deers have antlers... The female Caribou grows antlers but they are thinner and shorter then the males. In some rare cases female deer can grow antlers. When the air starts to get cold the antlers will become brittle, cracked and will fall off.

Do male reindeer have antlers?

Yes,male reindeer do have antlers.

How does a caribou defend it self?

It uses it's antlers.

Do female reindeer have antlers too?

Well, yes. Female reindeer keep their antlers. Although, in spite of the fact I am a true fan of science(I am an aithiest. I only celebrate Christmas for fun), I disagree with the fact they are all female. It is most likely, but come on- the guy's magic! Of course, they would need a male to repreduce, so they have to have at least 1 male, or they would die out. female reindeers do no have antlers and they are a doe.male reindeers have antlers

What are 2 adaptations of Caribou?

antlers and its face

What animals have antlers?

Antlers are a primary feature of the animals that reside under the Family Cervidae. Animals with antlers include deer (red deer, fallow deer, mule deer, white-tailed deer, black-tailed deer, roe deer, pudu, chital, brocket deer), moose, elk (wapiti), and reindeer (caribou).