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Q: Why do horses have strong back mussel's?
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What makes a HORSE so strong?

big mussels can make horse strong

What is a zebra mussels adaptations?

They attach by strong byssus threads to hard surfaces

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noo, they have strong mussels, buh gorillas tend to be quite fat

Can zebra mussels kill animals?

think so but not sure zebras are strONG AN DO KILL THAT MUCH AS THEY CAN

Why do sea birds have strong beaks?

Sea birds have strong beaks to help them catch and eat their prey, which may include fish, mollusks, and other marine creatures. The strong beaks allow them to crack open shells, tear apart prey, and handle slippery fish while hunting in the ocean.

Why do horses smell?

Horses have natural odors that are a very strong fregrannce

Why are horses strong animals?

They have very big and strong body muscles.

Are skewbald horses strong horses?

A horses color has no bearing on it's physical abilities. Strength will depend on the horses conformation , training , and willingness.

Why are some mussels that are strong than others?

Some mussels may be stronger than others due to genetic variations, environmental factors, and life history traits. Mussels that are more active in feeding and have thicker shells may be stronger and more resilient to predation and environmental stressors. Additionally, mussels raised in areas with higher water flow or more competitive environments may develop stronger attachment abilities.

Why are mussels and barnacles not carried away by waves to the sea?

Their shells are really strong and the shells can cling to the rocks really strongly. The waves aren't strong enough to wash the shells away.

Why are mussels and barnacles not carried away the waves to the sea?

Their shells are really strong and the shells can cling to the rocks really strongly. The waves aren't strong enough to wash the shells away.

Do horses have strong teeth?

Yes! they can nip hard