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they leave a nest as a type of mateing ritual and the females come and urine on the nests and the males come back and smell it and realize the females are horny

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Q: Why do gorillas make a nest for one night and leave the next day?
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Do gorillas make a nest?


How do apes remove waste?

Gorillas build the new nest for every night.

How do gorillas find shelter?

The fold down branches to make a nest for themselfs

What kind of house do gorillas live in?

Gorillas don't live in "houses". They do however sleep in "nests". They build nests in the trees or on the ground to sleep in. They build a new nest every night. Each gorilla sleeps in its own nest unless it is an infant in which case, it sleeps with its mother.

Can monkeys build nest?

i spose they can coz gorillas do

What do gorillas use as there home?

Nest of leaves and junk, trees low to the ground

Does the female eagle stay with the eaglets or does she leave the nest to hunt?

leave the nest to hunt

Do you clean out a bluebirds nest once they have gone?

Yes, you can. They will start over and make a new nest. If you leave it in they will put new materials over the old nest to make it fresh.

How do you make the bird leave its nest on ghost story island?

You can only do this with the sardines you get from the tunnel at the prison.

What are facts about gorillas?

The reason they call Gorillas Gorillas is because Gorilla means hairy man . Gorillas are a a lot like humans except they have bigger muscles and a they are a lot lot stronger than man kind. A full grown gorilla can easily win a game of tug of war against six men.-baby gorillas enjoy wrestling-only around 7,000 gorillas are left in the wild-gorillas build their own nest but only use it for one night-The dominat male is called a silverback.-They have a unique nose print.-They give birth after nine months, like humans do.-A gorilla can live for 40 to 50 years

What are gorillas facts?

The reason they call Gorillas Gorillas is because Gorilla means hairy man . Gorillas are a a lot like humans except they have bigger muscles and a they are a lot lot stronger than man kind. A full grown gorilla can easily win a game of tug of war against six men.-baby gorillas enjoy wrestling-only around 7,000 gorillas are left in the wild-gorillas build their own nest but only use it for one night-The dominat male is called a silverback.-They have a unique nose print.-They give birth after nine months, like humans do.-A gorilla can live for 40 to 50 years

How long are Baby Gorillas looked after for?

Apes like gorillas, chimpanzees, orangutans, and bonobos care for their young for nearly as long as humans do. Baby gorillas stay with their mothers for years. The mother teaches her baby how to find food, how to make a nest to sleep in, and how to get along with other gorillas. Gorillas are herbivores, and do not eat any meat at all.