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Because elephants and dogs do not perspire.

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Q: Why do elephants have thick gray wrinkled skin?
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Related questions

Do elephants have scales?

No, elephants do not have scales. They have thick, rough, wrinkled skin.

Why do elephants have wrinkled skin?

Wrinkled skin of the elephants help them to maintain the body temperature.

What does the elephants look like?

Elephants are large mammals with long trunks, tusks, and large ears. They have a thick, wrinkled gray skin and are known for their intelligent and social behavior.

Why walrus has thick wrinkled skin?

because it is a mammal

What is an elephants skin?

An elephnat has more of a wrinkled skin and it kind feels like snad paper.

What is the elephant's body covered with?

The body covering that a hippopotamus has is skin. They have a very thick and seemingly hairless skin that covers their large bodies. Their skin also has special secretions that keep them safe from bacterial and sun damage.

How do elephants get wrinkly?

because they have thick skin.

How thick is elephants skin?

2.5 to 3 centimeters thick.

What is the difference between African elephant and Indian elephant colour?

African elephants tend to be darker in color, ranging from dark grey to brown, while Indian elephants are typically lighter grey in color. Additionally, African elephants often have more wrinkled skin compared to Indian elephants.

Are Elephants Hoofed animals?

No, they have a round foot with very thick skin.

Does elephants thick skin help them to survive?

yes because if they get attacked they can get cut and maybe the skin is just thick enough for their organs not get slashed

What are large thick skinned animals such as elephants and hippos called?

Pachyderm - pachy means "thick" and derm means "skin".