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Same reason humans travel in groups, wolves travel in packs and most animals travel in some type of herd, pride, flock or what-have-you. We crave interaction, friendly contact, and above all, safety.

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Q: Why do dolphins travel in pods?
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What do dolphins travel in is it pods or schools?

fisher pods

How do bottle nosed dolphins travel?

Bottle nosed dolphins travel in pods to migrate

Do dolphins travel in groups?

Yes, Dolphins do swim in groups which are called pods. They can also swim on their own.

What is the bottlenose dolphins defences?

Bottlenose dolphins often travel in pods, so they have strength in numbers. Dolphins are also known to ram themselves into anything that poses a threat to them.

What is the name of the group that bottlenose dolphins live in?

Dolphins live in groups of up to 15 individuals called 'pods.'

How are dolphins and porpoises alike?

Both are sea mammals, have blowholes, and travel in pods. Very easy to confuse the two.

What travels in pods?

Dolphins, orcas, and some species of whales are known to travel in pods. These social groups provide protection, assistance in hunting, and social interaction for the marine mammals.

What are the bottlenose dolphins group called?

It is a school or pod of dolphins.

What are a group of dolphins called?

A group of dolphins is called a pod. Pods can vary in size and may consist of anywhere from a few dolphins to several dozen individuals. Dolphins within a pod work together to hunt, communicate, and travel.

What do you call dolphins in a group?

A group of dolphins can be called a school or pod.

What is called number of whales?

I group of whales is called a pod. Although they are not technically whales, cetaceans such as dolphins, orcas and porpoises also travel in pods.

Why do dolphins swim in a group?

dolphins swim in pods to protect themselves and to catch food