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Because they have nowhere to go anymore.

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Q: Why do dead groundhogs always have their feet in the air?
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What lies on the ground 100 feet in the air?

a dead cenapied

What is 100 feet in the air but its back is on the ground?

a dead centipede

If you look up you can see he lays 150 feet in the air...what and who is he?

A dead millipede (laying on its back)

.197 cubic liters of air equals how many cubic feet of air?

A liter is always a cubic measurement, so that adjective in unnecessary. 0.197 liters are 0.006956989344 cubic feet, no matter what you are measuring.

Can a kittens leg be broken if they fall from 6 feet in the air?

No, remember cats always land on their feet and cats have very strong legs that will not break from that height.

Home remedy for sweating on feet?

The home remedy for sweating feet is washing your feet and making sure they are dry before wearing socks and shoes. You should always air your feet more regularly by wearing open shoes.

Do the Pokemon diglet have feet?

Acording to Pokemon mistery dungeon red and blue diglet's feet felt "like they were walking on air." thiss lead many to believe Diglet had feet. The in-game sprite does not have feet for it always depicts diglet in a hole with a circlet of dirt. from what i know, however they do have feet. Acording to Pokemon mistery dungeon red and blue diglet's feet felt "like they were walking on air." This lead many to believe Diglet had feet. The in-game sprite does not have feet for it always depicts diglet in a hole with a circlet of dirt. from what i know, however they do have feet. keep it real -Omni

Does dead air space provide insulation?

As you should know, the purpose of insulation is to create dead air space. DEAD air does not transfer temperatures.

When was Dead Air for Radios created?

Dead Air for Radios was created on 1998-06-08.

What actors and actresses appeared in All Air Is Dead Air - 2010?

The cast of All Air Is Dead Air - 2010 includes: Kiersten Pearson as Lorca

What are the ratings and certificates for Dead Air - 2009 I?

Dead Air - 2009 I is rated/received certificates of: Australia:MA15+