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Cat don't live as long as humans. If a cat is 4 in human years he is really 42 years old in what we call cat years. That's why cats are ready to have kittens at about 6 months old. So to you, it may seem like your cat died quickly but not really. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If your cat died at a really young age, there could have been some health problems with them that you did not know about, bad enough to cause a death.

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15y ago
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12y ago

Many things can cause an animal to die suddenly. For a house pet like a cat, the obvious dangers of sudden death are environment-related(to list a few, not in any specific order)

1. poisoning, most likely rat poison

2. sharp objects swallowed, like a razor shard, puncturing intestines

3. car accident

4. blood poisoning resulted from malfunctioning of the kidneys, caused by struvite stones (from illfit diet) clogging the exit in it´s bladder. (especially male cats)

5. choking on swallowed small item (toy mouse)

6. Clogged intestines, usually caused by a small object (toy mouse)

7. heart failure (older cat)

Also, a cat is a mid-level predator in nature. It did have natural enemies, so it developed quite effective methods to hide it´s weaknesses.

So for a human to notice the cat is ill is not obvious. One needs to focus on specific signs to notice a cat is ill. Such as posture, cat sleeping a lot in solitude, anxiety and anger towards other cats. Cats try to hide from pain. So change in the behavior of a cat, that usually sleeps on the couch to a cat that goes to rest under the bed is a telling sign something is wrong.

So a cat may have been ill for days, weeks even without humans to notice anything. So what seems a sudden death to a human, may aswell been the end of a long suffering...

I´ve had several cats in my life and lost a few too suddenly, one especially to struvite stones. We only noticed something was wrong when he stumbled on the kitchen floor and vomited. All the signs had been there, but we were too ignorant to notice.

That is why it is important to take your cats to the vetenarian check-up every now and then. Your cat does not tell you it´s ill, until it´s too late.

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13y ago

they dont infact they age slower because of there size

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