

Why do antelopes have horns?

Updated: 10/9/2023
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13y ago

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Because they do.

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Q: Why do antelopes have horns?
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Related questions

Do most antelopes have horns?


Why do people poach antelopes?

people poach antelopes for their fur/skin or their horns

What colour is an antelopes horns?

black and brown

Do female pronghorn antelopes have horns?

Yes, female pronghorn antelopes also have horns, although they are generally smaller than the horns of males. Horns in female pronghorns are used for defense and establishing dominance within the herd.

A 5 letter word describing 2 large African antelopes with spirally twisted horns?


Should I hunt a deer or an antelope?

Deer antlers are branched and antelope horns are not. It would be better to have deer horns. Antelopes are harder to find, while deer are native to every continent but Australia and Antarctica.

What are antelopes special features?

True Antelope have unbranched horns and never shed which means that the American Pronghorn are not antelope (Bovidae) but the family Antilocapridae.

What are the hard growths found on antelopes and goats?

The hard growths found on the heads of antelope and goats are horns. The horn is sometimes referred to as goral or spurs.

Can People grow horns?

No, humans do not naturally grow horns. The presence of horns is typically exclusive to certain animal species, such as cattle and antelopes. Any abnormal growth resembling a horn on a human would likely be due to a medical condition.

The meaning of GNU?

One of two species of large South African antelopes of the genus Catoblephas, having a mane and bushy tail, and curved horns in both sexes.

What is a Spiral horned southern African antelope?

There are 9 species in Spiral Horned Antelope. 7 are in East Africa -Bushbuck -Bongo -Sitatunga -Gedemsa -Greater Kudu -Lesser Kudu -Nyala In this genus only males have horns. 2 species of Eland farther north or west In the 2 species both males and females have horns. They are not as glamorous as the spiral horned specialties.

What is Seregenti antelope?

Impala - One of the most widespread and common antelope species of the Serengeti, the Impala is certainly the most elegant antelopes. Only the male of this species possesses horns.