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Not all animals walk on all fours. Humans are animals too!

Those animals that do walk an all fours do so because it is an efficient and stable means of movement. The earliest land creatures were fish or frog like and "crawled" along the ground. Later on animals evolved that larger and more powerful legs. Animals like cheetahs can run very fast on four legs.

The ancestors of human beings walked mainly on all fours - like modern gorillas and chimpanzees do. We're not sure exactly why human beings evolved to walk on two legs, but it has caused back problems for human beings because we have inherited a spine that was originally designed for four-legged creatures.

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Q: Why do animals walk on all fours like babies?
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Birds and humans..otherwise, all other animals walk on all fours or have to hop on two feet, not walk. Kangaroos and wallabies walk on all fours and hop on two, so there's a big difference there.

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The animal that walks on all fours, then on two legs, and then back on all fours again is a human. As babies, humans crawl on all fours, then learn to walk upright on two legs, and might sometimes crawl again for various reasons.

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How does the Tasmanian devil walk?

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