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Let's begin by making something clear. Adults are not right 100% of the time about 100% of the things they are talking about. But...when talking about things like boyfriend/girlfriend relationships, money, school and studying, and other life experiences, they have a lot more living under their belts. They can look back on their lives and figure out what they did right and things they did wrong. The longer one lives, the longer the person has to examine the effects of how their decisions brought them to the point they are in life at the present moment. In other words, they've had more time to learn. While young, people usually think more with their emotions and heart, especially when it comes to relationships, adults think more objectively. While a teen often only "sees" that they "love" or have feelings for another person, an adult can view the situation with logic and clearer reasoning. Thus, the "I know better...." attitude. Usually, because the adult is able to see the broader picture, he or she really does know better. It's always good to listen to what they have to say, try to think objectively, and then make your decisions. The same is true about other life issues and experiences. The longer one lives, the more has been learned, at least in a general sense. Yes, there are adults that honestly don't have as much going for them as a teenager who is exceptionally mature for the age they are. That is generally not the case, though, so the "I know better...." attitude is usually true to one degree or another.

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Q: Why do adults say 'I know better than you do because I am older'?
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