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Yours does that too? Mine does! we gathered that it was an attention seeking thing, but we still don't know for sure! My dog as not done it as much recently, as he is getting older ( he's just about five) perhaps they stop it as they get older? its nice to know another Border Terrier does this too..I hope this helped, it certainly helped me helping you! xx

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12y ago

They shouldn't shake! If your Yorkie is shaking, she may be cold or hungry or anxious or need to go to the bathroom. Yorkies have very little body fat or fur and get cold very easily; ours wears a sweater (even indoors) all winter long.

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13y ago

My Border Terrier named Benji, seems to howl in his sleep and then wake himself up. I don't know whether its just him that does that or whether its a dog/breed thing...I hope this helped xx

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12y ago

If it is scared or cold.

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In my opinion: Chihuahua's, Border Terriers, Dalmatians, Yorkshire Terriers, Pug's, Beagle's, Border Collie's, Shetland Sheep Dogs.

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Are Border Terriers recognized by the FCI?

Yes, the Border Terrier is in Group 3 Section 1 #10.

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Yeah, they do.

How much are border terriers?

my border terrier, otto,was from a breeder and was only 80 dollar's , im sure they are more expensive at pet stores

Does Daniel Radcliffe have cats?

no, he has two dogs though, they are border terriers, and they are called Binka and Nugget

Can Border terriers have curly tails?

Well jamiegirl, you need to do a little more research, because they can. Even though it does not happen often, it does happen. The same as most Border Terriers have slick wiry coats, you can get them with long coats as well, with a curl tail that has long hair on it. If you are unaware of this, you may want to check out an upstanding breeder in Montana that has a beautiful little guy. It is Big Sky Border Terriers. Like I said, it does not happen often, but it does happen.