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The Texas cougar, which like the Florida panther, is a race of the mountain lion, was the closest genetically to the Florida race, and added some diversity to the Florida cat's gene pool, which had begun to show signs of inbreeding. The experiment has been successful, by all accounts.

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Q: Why did scientists choose the Texas cougar to breed with the Florida panther?
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Related questions

What is the Florida panther?

The Florida panther is a subspecies of the cougar or mountain lion - Puma concolor coryi.

How do you know if the cougar is endangered?

As a species, the cougar is not endangered. But the subspecies in Florida, called "Florida panther", is endangered.

What is the Florida cat?

Usually it refers to the Florida panther or "cougar" for short.

What is the difference between a puma and a Florida panther?

The Florida panther is a subspecies of the puma, also called a cougar or mountain lion.

Do lions live in Florida?

Lions do not live in Florida but the Florida panther does. It is a subspecies of the cougar.

What group is the Florida panther in?

leopard phanther puma and cougar mountain lion

Are Cougar dangerous?

Only the subspecies "Florida panther". The others are "Least Concern".

What does the florida cougar eat?

The Florida cougar, or panther as it is called there, mainly preys on deer, rabbits, and most any animal it can catch, but deer are their primary prey.

Are Cougar going extinct?

Only the Florida panther subspecies of the cougar is in danger. The population of the species as a whole is quite healthy.

How do you get the cougar off the endangered species list?

There not on it. They are. Check the Wikipedia article for Florida Panther. They are a type of "cougar" or "mountain lion" or "panther" or "catamount" or whatever you want to call them. There are several other subspecies of cougar on that list as well.

What is the species of a Florida panther?

It is a race of the cougar or mountain lion, also called puma.

When was the cougar classfied as an endangered species?

The cougar, puma, or mountain lion is not an endangered species. However, the subspecies "Florida panther" is endangered.