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It's a way to tell if those animals are theirs if they are either stolen or if they are grazing with animals from other ranches. Each ranch has its own individual brand, and this way cowboys could easily tell which cattle belong to that ranch they're working for or not. They still do.

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7y ago

Branding !... They used to use a hot iron to burn an identifying mark into the flank of cattle.

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Q: Why did ranchers brand their cattle?
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How did ranchers owner identify their cattle?

Many would brand their cattle with branding-irons which would identify the cattle by brand .

How did the different ranchers tell their cows apart?

Cattle were branded with a brand used only by that ranch.

Do cattle ranchers still exists if so what is the name?

Yes, cattle ranchers still exist.Cattle Ranchers is still an acceptable name for cattle ranchers. Other names for cattle ranchers or related workers include:RanchersCowboys, cowgirls, and cowpokeRanch handLivestock handlerRanch workerRanch managerCattle tender

What is the possessive form of a herd of cattle led by ranchers?

"of a herd of cattle led by ranchers" as you have used it above is already the possessive for of "a herd of cattle led by ranchers"! For example: The herd of cattle which was led by the ranchers bought a farm. The farm is now owned by the herd. It is the herd's farm. It is the farm of the herd of cattle led by ranchers.

Do cattle ranchers still brand there cattle in the twenty first century?

Yes, I'm not sure why, but they do. They often will tag their ears rather than branding, but it is still done.

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What is the difference between cattle ranchers and sheep and goat ranching?

Cattle ranchers raise cattle, and sheep/goat farmers raise sheep and goats.

What are the trips that ranchers would take there cattle on?

Cattle Drive.

What did cattle ranchers accomplish?

Cattle ranchers accomplish the growing and selling of huge numbers of cattle to feed people, animals, and for their hide to be used in shoes and other leather goods.

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After the Civil War why did Texas ranchers drive cattle herds to kansas?

After the Civil War Texas ranchers drove cattle in herds to Kansas because that is where the big stockyards were at the time. It was also a place for the Texas ranchers to use the railroad for shipping cattle elsewhere.