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they can hear better out of the water

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Q: Why can dolphins hear for miles under water but not above the water?
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Related questions

How can dolphins communicate under water?

Dolphins communicate under water by using echolocation

Can dolphins breathe air above water or do they have to breathe under water?

No mammals can breathe underwater. All mammals, including sea mammals, must breathe above the surface of the water. This is why marine mammals such as dolphins and whales frequently come to the surface.

Can whales and dolphins communicate under water?

Whales and dolphins can't communicate under water

How can a dolphin stay under water without breathing?

Dolphins and Whales can stay under water for so long is because they have blowholes to come to the surface and get air. They can stay under water for quite a while before they need another breath at the surface:) Need more help... Just ask!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Are dolphins bored when they are under water?

NO, they play with other dolphins.

how deep do dolphins go?

Dolphins can go 23 miles deep in water.

How long do spotted dolphins stay under water for?

Spotted dolphins can hold there breath under water for 7 to 8 minutes

Are dolphins the smartest creatures under water?


Where do the dolphins sleep?

They sleep under water.

Do dolphins sleep under the water?


How do dolphins breath under water if they are mammals?

Dolphins don t breath under water. Mammals breath air. Every 15 min they go out of the water to breath

How do dolphins rattle their tale and walk above the water?
