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It's called Heterochromia. It's the result of a lack of melanin(a pigment) and can be either inherited or caused by disease or injury.

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Q: Why can an iris be two different colors?
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What is the medical term meaning having two colors of the iris?

Heterochromia is the condition of two colors, especially of the iris.

What different colors do irises come in?

No, Irises come in almost every color of the rainbow, a true red and a green would be two colors that an Iris would not come in, although some maroons have been cultivated.

Why colors are different to your eyes?

nColour of the iris is usually brown . nIt is because of the pigment melano cysts nThe blue colour of the iris is because of the less amount of melano cysts pigment nIncreasing amount of iris pigment produced green hazel and brown iris nRarely one iris can be different colour than the other iris. This is know as hetrochromia irides

Can someone have different colors in one eye?

Yes, it is possible for someone to have different colors in one eye, a condition known as heterochromia. This can be due to variations in the amount or distribution of melanin in the iris.

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Are white and pink two different colors?

Yes, white and pink are two different colors.

Why does iris represents 7?

Iris was named after the goddess of the rainbow. There are seven colors in the rainbow.

What are all the colors of the iris of the human eye?

The colours of the human eye iris is black and white.

What colors are iris flowers?

There are many different species of iris - the most well-known are a bluey purple colour, but they can be white or even bright yellow!

Who was the Roman goddess of the rainbow?

Iris was. This is the connection for having named that part of the eye which surrounds the pupil, after Iris, connoting 'many colors'.

Is it true that if you plant different colors of bearded iris together that the iris will eventually all come out white?

The answer is no. The color of iris will not change when they are planted with other colors. Bearded iris have individual DNA that will produce a specific color and bloom type for each individual rhizome (root). Just like your DNA makes you look like you. Your looks do not change because you mingle in a crowd of other people. Over time some iris may take over the garden because they are more hardy (dominant) than others. The not so hardy ones die out. Iris from one rhizome stock will all be alike ( this is asexual reproduction). To get a different color you need to cross pollinate two flowers that are not alike and then plant the seeds (sexual reproduction). Roxsann Elder

How do dogs get two different eye colors?

It is not wrong for a dog to have two eye colors It just their way of life