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I wouldn't regard them as dangerous ; they can kick in self defence .

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 11y ago

They might have diseases.

For one thing, any wild mammal could have rabies. Since you might not be able to tell until it's too late, it's best to assume that it does.

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Q: Why are wild rabbits dangerous?
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Are rabbits fatal to small kids?

Not a domestuc rabbit. Wild rabbits are larger ans more "dangerous" but still probably couldn't hurt a small child. Besides that a wild rabbit wouldn't let a child get close to it.

Are wild animals dangerous?

yes if you seem like a threat to them(with the exception of some animals like rabbits)

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If you happen to encounter yourself with a wild baby bunny it may not be dangerous. Its mother will think you might attack its child , but the real question is 'Are baby wild bunnies dangerous ?'. And that is 'NO' unless it bites you.

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Do wild rabbits have feas?

Not only for wild rabbits, almost all types of animals that live in the wild have flea! I think you meant flea, instead of fea. But yeah wild rabbits have fleas.

How come all rabbits are wild?

Not all rabbits are wild because thay can be pets. hjsonsnoma

Are rabbits wild?

yes, because volcanoe rabbits are

Can wild cats hunt rabbits?

Yes, wild cats do hunt rabbits. On many occasions, a cat will hunt the baby rabbits for food.

Where can you buy wild rabbits for sale in PA?

You can't buy wild rabbits for sale, only pet rabbits. Wild rabbits, like all wild animals, should be left alone and not domesticated, or caught and sold. It's one thing to hunt wild rabbits, and then sell their body or products (meat, fur), but you shouldn't catch and sell wild rabbits as live animals: there are enough pet rabbits to go around (in fact, in many places, there are too many -- overpopulation).

Do wild rabbits live in the UK?

Yes, rabbits and hares can live wild in the UK. I've seen them!

Are there any wild rabbits in the Dominican Republic?

No. There is not wild rabbits in the Dominican Republic. You can find them just in farms.

Where are all pet rabbits descened from?

wild european rabbits