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Unfortunately people are breaking the law when they go whaling (except for native americans, who are allowed to do it so they can eat, they don't waste a thing on it) they are hunted for a oil called spermacetii.

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16y ago
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14y ago

They cunningly hunt and kill baby whales, such as grey whales, to feed their massive pods (or families). They can spend six hours relentlessly and skillfully hunting a whale, just to eat it's tongue! The rest of the dead whale sinks to the ocean floor and gets eaten by creatures like hagfish and 7 metre long sleeper sharks.

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13y ago

killer whales are hunted forv their blubber and oil, it is now against the law to hunt a killerwhale because they are endangered species but sadly they are sometimes still hunted:(

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13y ago

For their Blubber!

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14y ago

skin, blubber and oil

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Q: Why are whales and seals ebeing hunted?
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Why were seals and whales hunted?

for their blubber

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Do seals get eaten by people?

seal are not hunted by humans but yes they do get eaten by humans, seals do however get hunted by killer whales , sharks, and polar bear.

What year did the coastal people begin to hunt seals and whales?

People have hunted seals since before recorded history.

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How did the inuit adapt to life the cold climate near the arctic ocean?

They Hunted whales, walruses, and seals. They developed the kayak.

What do whales get hunted for?


What did whales used to be hunted for?

They were hunted for meat and oil from their blubber.

Wha animals live in the Antarctica?

Penguins (emperor and adelie) seals (leopard seals; antarctic fur seals; crabeater seals; ross seals and weddell seals) whales(orcas(killer whales))

Why are the blue whales getting hunted done?

Whales are hunted for their oily insides. It's true, I saw something about it today.