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Echinoderms are scavengers of decaying matter on the sea floor. They help control the growth of seaweeds in coral reefs, thus allowing corals to flourish. The removal of Echinoderms would result in the overgrowth of seaweeds and the devastation of coral reef habitats, affecting the sea animals that inhabit coral reefs,

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13y ago

Echidnas are important because they are one of only two animals in the world that are Monotremes.

The echidna lays an egg and then after the puggle (the baby echidna) hatches, they suckle it - give it milk.

An echidna is part of the Monotreme group. The only other animal in that group in the Platypus.

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Do echidnas hop?

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There are no echidnas in Bali. Echidnas are found only in Australia and on the island of New Guinea.

Are Australian echidnas invertebrates?

No. All echidnas are mammals, and all mammals are vertebrates. Echidnas are different from "echinoderms".

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No. Echidnas eat termites.

Do echidnas live by themselves?

Yes. Echidnas are solitary animals.

Where do echidnas hunt?

Echidnas do not hibernate.

What do you call a group of echidnas?

There's no collective term for a group of echidnas.

Are Echidnas scared of people?

No. Echidnas are not hostile to people or other animals.

When do echidnas hibernate?

Echidnas do not hibernate.

Are echidnas vertebrates?

Yes. Echidnas are vertebrates. They are mammals, and all mammals are vertebrates.

What class do echidnas belong to?

Echidnas belong to the Class Mammalia and Order Monotremata.