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Neither. A platypus is totally different from either - it lays eggs and has a bill that does not actually even resemble the bill of a duck, as it has completely different functions. The platypus is an egg-laying mammal, or monotreme, in the same family as e echidna. it is not related to the beaver, which is a placental mammal; nor is it related to the duck, which is not a mammal at all, but a bird.

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11y ago
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12y ago

The platypus does not have either a duck's bill or a beaver's tail.

The platypus's bill is broader and flatter than a duck's bill. It contains sensitive electroreceptors which can pick up tiny electrical impulses from aquatic animals and insect larvae underwater, which is what the platypus eats. The platypus also uses its bill to scoop up these creatures from the mud.

The beaver's tail is broader and flatter than a platypus's, and covered with special scales. The platypus's tail is covered with dense fur. Their tails serve quite different purposes. The beaver's tail is used to help propel it along in the water. The platypus's tail is used as a rudder, for steering when it is swimming, but it also stores fat. A thicker tail is the sign of a healthier platypus. The female tends to live on the fat stored in her tail while she incubates her eggs.

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11y ago

No. A platypus is a platypus. A platypus is neither a beaver nor a duck. The platypus is an egg-laying mammal, or monotreme, in the same family as e echidna. it is not related to the beaver, which is a placental mammal; nor is it related to the duck, which is not a mammal at all, but a bird.

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14y ago

Platypuses are not half beaver and half duck. They are platypuses, in a completely unique taxonomy of their own.

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Is a platypus half another animal?

No. The platypus (Ornithorhynchus anatinus) is its own animal, though it has a 'beak' similar to a duck, a beaver-like tail, and lays eggs. The platypus is a mammal though, since it has milk secreations from the fur for its young.

What are the different types of Philippine ducks?

because the duck has no tail like a beaver and a platypus has a tail like a beaver

Different Types of ducks in the Philippine?

because the duck has no tail like a beaver and the platypus has a tail like a beaver

What species does the platypus come from?

The platypus did not come from any other species. It is not part otter, part beaver or part duck. It has only ever been a platypus.

Is a platypus a hybrid mix between a duck and a sea otter?

No. The platypus is not a hybrid of anything.The species is ornithorhynchus anatinus and is not a mix of a beaver, duck, otter or any other creature.

At first in the 1700s the British thought somebody had sewn a duck's beak onto the body of a beaver What animal is this?

The platypus was first thought to be a hoax, comprised of a duck's beak sewn into the body of a beaver.

Does a platypus have horns?

No they do not have horns. What they do have, though, is a bill vaguely like a duck's and a tail like a beaver's but covered with fur.

Where did the platypus originate?

The platypus originated from, and is native to, Australia. It is not found in any other country. It is endemic to Australia's eastern states, including the southern island state of Tasmania.