There are many reasons pandas are becoming extint ....
Humans are moving into their habitats so they are losing their home. Their main diet is bamboo and since humans are moving into their habitats the bamboo has been becoming more scarce.The bamboo also dies at the same time so pandas have to find other source of food. Also they are a target for poachers because of their fur and skin which they are selling to other country like Japan. They also have a very low birthrate even in captivity.
yes they are getting extinct because we are killing them
they are getting extinct because human beings are killing them
NO!! do fruit even get extinct?
It has panders
sharks are not extinct.... yet! They have a huge species but they still have a high change of getting extinct.
Are pronghorns getting eksincet
Because they are annoying
why are bevers getting exstinct
tell people that blue sharks are getting extinct
LEUKEMIA IS NOT EXTINCT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Many people have leukemia and many are also getting the disease!
elephants are close to getting extinct however they are not extinct. They are getting closer to extinction as there habitats are being destroyed as well as there food sources. Global warming is causing droughts in many countries and places so some elphants cannot find food/water. elephants are close to getting extinct however they are not extinct. They are getting closer to extinction as there habitats are being destroyed as well as there food sources. Global warming is causing droughts in many countries and places so some elphants cannot find food/water.