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* The Bengal tiger lives in forested areas around the Indian sub-continent. Population estimates of approximately 4,000 make it the most populous of all tiger subspecies. * Indo-Chinese tigers live forested areas of South East Asian states such as China, Thailand and Myanmar. This species ranks as the second most populous with maybe around 2,000 living in the wild. * Sumatran tigers live on the island of Sumatra, Indonesia. They are the smallest of the tiger species and there might be around 400 living in the wild. * Siberian or Amur tigers hold the distinction of being the biggest of the world's big cats. They live along the forests of the Amur River, a natural boundary line between Russia and China on the east coast. They are endangered, however, population estimates taken over the past decade show that 400-500 remained steady. * South China tigers live in south-central China, and are commonly recognized as the most endangered tigers in the world. The Chinese government now gives them the same status as the Panda, and is actively pursuing a conservation program. Population estimates are difficult to establish. There may be a couple of dozen or so living in the wild and another sixty or so in zoos. * The Bengal tiger lives in forested areas around the Indian sub-continent. Population estimates of approximately 4,000 make it the most populous of all tiger subspecies. * Indo-Chinese tigers live forested areas of South East Asian states such as China, Thailand and Myanmar. This species ranks as the second most populous with maybe around 2,000 living in the wild. * Sumatran tigers live on the island of Sumatra, Indonesia. They are the smallest of the tiger species and there might be around 400 living in the wild. * Siberian or Amur tigers hold the distinction of being the biggest of the world's big cats. They live along the forests of the Amur River, a natural boundary line between Russia and China on the east coast. They are endangered, however, population estimates taken over the past decade show that 400-500 remained steady. * South China tigers live in south-central China, and are commonly recognized as the most endangered tigers in the world. The Chinese government now gives them the same status as the Panda, and is actively pursuing a conservation program. Population estimates are difficult to establish. There may be a couple of dozen or so living in the wild and another sixty or so in zoos.

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16y ago
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12y ago

white tigers different from other animals because white tigers are having beautiful white fur.

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15y ago

There is only one species of tiger, panthera tigris, but six sub species. They vary in size, stripe pattern, and habitat preference.

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13y ago

they way 600 pounds that's all i know =p

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Q: Why are lions and tigers considered different species?
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Lions and tigers are completely different species. Baby lions are called cubs

Are lions and tigers from the same species?

No, lions and tigers are not from the same species. Lions are of the species Panthera leo, while tigers are of the species Panthera tigris. They are both part of the Panthera genus, but belong to different species.

Are tigers and lions the same species?

No, they are different species but belong to the same genus of Panthera.

Do lions and tiger have the same DNA?

Lions and tigers have different genetic make up. That means their DNA are quite different to make them different species.

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All lions, panthers, house cats, and other similar animals are considered "cats." Lions are related to cats.

How do you know lions and tigers are not the same species?

Lions and tigers are not the same species because they come from different genus and species classifications. Lions belong to the species Panthera leo, while tigers belong to the species Panthera tigris. Additionally, lions and tigers have distinct physical features and behaviors that differentiate them as separate species.

Are tigers female lions?

No, tigers and lions are two distinct species of big cats. While they may look similar, tigers are from the Panthera genus and lions are from the Panthera leo genus. Tigers are known for their orange fur with black stripes, while lions typically have tawny fur with a tuft of hair at the end of their tails.

Compare and contrast essay on lions vs tigers?

Lions are known for living in groups called prides while tigers are solitary animals. Lions have a distinctive mane, whereas tigers have striped coats for camouflage. In terms of size, tigers are generally larger and can weigh more than lions. Both species are apex predators but have different hunting strategies and behaviors.

How are tigers different from lions?

They are different animals.

Are there different species between a lion and a tiger?

there is two cross breds between lions and tigers. they're ligers and tigons.

Are lions and tigers separate species?

Yes. They are both cats.