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Only extreme hunger would cause a lion pride to hunt elephants. It's a very dangerous business, and a nice little antelope would be a lot easier.

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Q: Why are elephants hunted by lions?
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Are elephants hunted?

Yes, elephants are hunted by man. Elephants can also be hunted by lions, hyenas, and wild dogs.

Are elephants hunted by lions?

Yes and No the lion can't even beat the elephant but they can beat the elephant babies.

Who or what are an elephants enemies?


What cruelty has been done to elephants?

Elephants are hunted for their ivory (tusks) and they are also hunted for "fun"

What Eats elephats?

Humans are the only predator that a elephant has. ADDENDUM: Humans are not elephants' only predator. Elephants are also hunted by lions, hyenas and wild dogs. Elephant calves are far more vulnerable to attacks from these predators and are frequently taken from the mother if there are no other adult elephants to help her defend her offspring. Large groups of lions have learned how to attack and kill juvenile elephants who have wandered away from the herd and lone adult elephants, too. These carnivores have to have large enough numbers and be hungry enough, though, to risk such a dangerous undertaking.

What are elephatns hunted for?

Elephants are often hunted for the ivory in their tusks.

Do elephants get hunted by carnivores?


Are there elephants in Armenia?

No there are no elephants in Armenia.

What is the continent where lions and elephants live?

Africa and Asia are both continents thatn have both lions and elephants.

Who hunts elephants?

Lions, hyaenas and wild dogs hunt elephants in Africa. They can only take calves as the adults are too big. In Asia the main predators are tigers, and they have occasionally been known to kill adults.

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Are African elephant dangerous?

Yes, they are. Elephants have actually killed many people, which is one of the reasons they are hunted. With their huge body, sharp tusks, and swatting trunks, they are very powerful creatures and are not to be reckoned with. Elephants can actually kill lions, if they are mad enough.