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Dogs are important because people use for several different tasks & jobs, like police dogs, therapy, guard dogs, herding, & much more. Most dogs are just loveable companions (people who have dogs live longer.) Hope this helps.Dominique, an 11-year old girl

AwesomeDude4 says:

Dogs are AWESOME and IMPORTANT. Police dogs help find criminals, they sniff drugs, and they patrol places like prisons or high-security areas. Therapy dogs comfort disaster surviors or help people with mental illness. Herding dogs help farmers round up sheep and cattle, and make very good companions for humans. (I used to have a collie). That is pretty much why a dog is called "Man's Best Friend". Cats are very lazy, and they do nothing but hiss, meow, and scratch people. (No offense to cat lovers)

Im just adding on to what Dominque said.

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15y ago

All dogs are important. Most domestic dogs are beloved pets. These dogs enrich the lives of their families by providing companionship and unconditional love. Studies have shown that pets can provide health benefits in reduced stress. Because of this benefit, some pet dogs become therapy dogs and visit patients in hospitals and residents in nursing homes to cheer patients and residents.

Some dogs are working dogs. They have jobs that help individuals and/or the community.

There are police dogs who aid the police in apprehending criminals by tracking and holding perpetrators. They also protect their human police partners if attacked. Some police dogs detect contraband, like drugs, or even bodies of victims.

Some fire dogs detect accelerants in arson fires or detect smoldering wiring in suspected fires. Others teach children fire safety tips.

There are search and rescue dogs who look for missing people, such as avalanche dogs or the dogs that worked at the World Trade Center disaster.

Some dogs aid the disabled, possibly guiding the blind or opening doors and picking up dropped objects for a person in a wheelchair.

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9y ago

Dogs can be important in many ways and they help blind, homeless, sick , well , and their companion.

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3y ago

Because they important

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