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Genetics is the prime reason why cheetahs are going extinct. It is thought that from 10-12,000 years ago due to a catastrophic event, the population was reduced to less than 7 animals. These animals then inbred with their brothers and sisters to produce a genetic line that is 97% identical. Humans are approximately 70% identical, and lab rats are 97% identical due to inbreeding. Because there is not very much diversity in the genetics of the animals, it leads to the same problems that we as humans have when we inbreed. Detrimental genes are expressed homozygously which means that fewer offspring are viable. Even when imported from different parts of the country, scientists still find it difficult for cheetahs to achieve live births.

A second, less reason is Habitat loss.

Cheetahs are forced into ever smaller areas where they have to compete with other predators like lions, leopard and hyena. Cheetahs like the other predators mentioned are territorial and when their territory overlaps that of say a lion, the lions would kill the cheetahs as to eliminate competition for food.

Farmers see them as pests and would trap, shoot or poison them. The reason for this is livestock loss. A goat or sheep is a much easier meal than an impala.

Cheetahs are endangered because the genetic pool is so small. Also because of competition with other larger predators, habitat loss and poaching

Also, most cheetahs are from the same family some how. If they breed, their is an increased chance of birth defects. Eventually, cheetahs will die out.

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10y ago
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6y ago

poachers keep hunting them for there fur and as trophies. another reason is because other animals such as lions and hyenas hunt the cubs as food.

  1. cheetahs became endangered because they have very little space to live. When people needed homes to live in the cheetahs homes began to get distryed.

well hunting,habbit loss, and animals eating cubs
Cheetahs became endangered because a long time ago most of them went extinct leaving a very small gene pool. Because of this a lot of inbreeding goes on and they are more prone to disease and cubs that can't care for themselves because they are deformed in some way. Also, they are endangered because of habitat destruction, lions and hyenas preying on them and poaching.
Cheetahs have also become endangered by illegal trapping and shooting, declining number of prey, increased number of larger, stronger preditors (lion, hyenas) who steal kills and will kill them given half a chance. Conservation organisations are working to help save this amazing animal however with limited success with captive breeding as they breed poorly in captivity. (See CCF's website for more info).

The website is
Create your own fundraising page, just go to and search for Cheetah Conservation Fund.
Cheetahs are "threatened" right now because of the high Death Rate in cubs. The cubs are dying due to genetic defects. The cheetahs also have to compete with lions and hyenas for food. Some biologists are even suspecting that cheetahs are becoming too inbred to survive as a species.
people hunted them to the point of being endangered.
Mostly Poachers now a days and Farmers who SUSPECTcheetahs that kill livestock. Back then it was for pets and for the fur.
the reason is because they are being hunted down for food and warmth in Africa
. Hunting, habitat degradation and fragmentation, desertification, and direct killing of wildlife that the Cheetah preys upon are all factors responsible for the chronic decline of the Cheetah in Asia.

The Asiatic Cheetah exists in very low numbers, divided into widely separated populations. Its low density makes it more likely to be affected by a lack of prey through livestock overgrazing and antelope hunting, coupled with direct hunting by humans. Cheetah's were widely hunted by humans for decades and that is the main reason for their drastic decline in numbers.

Though the African cheetah is found in more numbers than their Asian cousins, they too are threatened due to habitat loss and hunting.
Humans killing them mainly
The reason cheetahs are endangered is because of the decline in prey, loss of habitat, poaching, and high mortality of cheetah cubs. Other animals have gone extinct or have become endangered which means the animals that eat them (such as the cheetah) have a hard time obtaining them for food. Deforestation has caused many animals (cheetahs) to lose their natural environmentsand they die because they can't adapt to the change in environment. Illegal poaching has also caused a more than expected number of cheetahs to die out. Young cheetahs are at higher risk of dying and most do which means not enough young are able to reproduce more of their kind.
cheetahs are endangerd because people are hunting for there soft fur.
because they are been hunted and people make community's in their habitat.
Because there fur is expensive and kill and make a cloths
The cheetah is threatened right now because of the high death rate in cubs.

Mankind is encroaching on the cheetah's habitat.
the cheeaths are endangered because they are being hunted for their fur and their is a high death rate in cubs!!
There are two main reasons- Poachers and Farming. Poachers kill them off for their fur and since cheetahs run real quick they run into barb wire fences going 70 without seeing the fence. The fences belong to farmers.
Because they make great coats

  • Because hunters kill them for their expensive fur.
  • Habitat loss
  • Poaching

there are many different resons for this one is humans killing them for there fur and another is they are easily killed by lions hyenas lepords/ect
Because of poaching.
  • Because hunters kill them for their expensive fur.
  • Habitat loss
  • Poaching

The humans killed the cheetahs for the fur.
They are endagered because people like to use there skins as coats and like them as rugs
They are endagered because people like to use there skins as coats and like them as rugs
Cheetahs are endangered because many hunters kill them for their fur to sell illegally. This is often the reason why many animals in the world are endangered.
Cheetahs are endangered because of the decline in prey, loss of habitat, poaching, and being shot as a livestock predator.Also it's because no one cares about it they are killing them for their skin and many cheetah cubs fail to reach adult age because of genetic factors and predation by carnivores in competition with the cheetah, such as the lion and hyena.Lastly, Cheetahs are often in conflict with farmers because they attack livestock which usually ends in being shot by the angry farmers.

So to recap ur human kind is the one endangering their lifes.Let them be that is the reason the were created to be free and live just like us.
This is because people hunt them for their expensive fur.
Humans. Especially in Asia. Land use change has been a major factor in the Cheetah's ecosystem. Hunting, habitat degradation and fragmentation, desertification, and direct killing of wildlife that the Cheetah preys upon are all factors responsible for the chronic decline of the Cheetah in Asia.

The Asiatic Cheetah exists in very low numbers, divided into widely separated populations. Its low density makes it more likely to be affected by a lack of prey through livestock overgrazing and antelope hunting, coupled with direct hunting by humans. Cheetah's were widely hunted by humans for decades and that is the main reason for their drastic decline in numbers.

Though the African cheetah is found in more numbers than their asian cousins, they too are threatened due to habitat loss and hunting.
Cheetah are endangered due to various reasons.

Due to going through a genetic bottleneck 10,000 years ago. It is thought that the world population may have got as low as a mother with a litter. As such they are very poor breeders.

They sacrificed all their weight to become so fast, but this means that they cannot compete with larger predators, and have a lot of their kills stolen by other animals. This problem has been compounded by humans pushing them into smaller areas where they cannot get away from the bigger animals.

Cheetah were also hunted by humans.

Cheetah only survive in the largest national parks. Kruger (the largest park in South Africa) is the size of wales and can only support a population of about 200)

There is a tiny remnant population in the Sahara of perhaps a couple of hundred but there is little prey here. There is a similar size population in Iran, in the mountains but this has the same problem
Due to rising hunting population; for food, fur etc. Forests are being decreased (not enough habitat space).
- they are confined to southern Africa

- the mother only usually has one kitten at a time

- they are very shy animals, often deprived of food

- they were hunted for their skin
The cheetah is threatened right now because of the high death rate in cubs.

Mankind is encroaching on the cheetah's habitat.
the cheeaths are endangered because they are being hunted for their fur and their is a high death rate in cubs!!
There are two main reasons- Poachers and Farming. Poachers kill them off for their fur and since cheetahs run real quick they run into barb wire fences going 70 without seeing the fence. The fences belong to farmers.
Because they make great coats

  • Because hunters kill them for their expensive fur.
  • Habitat loss
  • Poaching

Never numerous, cheetahs have become extinct or endangered in many areas, due to shrinking habitat, loss of species to prey upon, disease, poaching, persecution by livestock farmers, and a high rate of cub mortality. In some areas 50 to 75 percent of all cheetah cubs die before 3 months. Cheetahs are listed as endangered under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) and are on the Internation Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) red list under the status of vulnerable. A cheetah population decline of at least 30% is suspected over the past 18 years.
Cheetahs are endangered because hunters are killing them for their expensive fur,and also because farmers are shooting them if they come too close to their livestock or other animals like Hyenas,because they eat the Cheetah's cubs.
cheetahs are endangered from farming,people killing them for their expensive fur,and from earth pollution
Cheetah's require open spaces to be able to hunt for their food, however habitat loss makes it more difficult. Humans have also killed many antelopes which is what the cheetah hunts. Many cubs aren't able to reach the adult age because of genetic factors and also being killed by carnivores in competition with the cheetah, such as the lion and hyena. Also they attack livestock and end being shot by angry farmers. Also they are being hunted by poachers for their fur. I hoped this helped you out a bit.
People have been hunting them down because they are scared that they are fast, and can kill families.
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12y ago

. Hunting, habitat degradation and fragmentation, desertification, and direct killing of wildlife that the Cheetah preys upon are all factors responsible for the chronic decline of the Cheetah in Asia.

The Asiatic Cheetah exists in very low numbers, divided into widely separated populations. Its low density makes it more likely to be affected by a lack of prey through livestock overgrazing and antelope hunting, coupled with direct hunting by humans. Cheetah's were widely hunted by humans for decades and that is the main reason for their drastic decline in numbers.

Though the African cheetah is found in more numbers than their Asian cousins, they too are threatened due to habitat loss and hunting.

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12y ago

Hunting, habitat degradation and fragmentation, desertification, and direct killing of wildlife that the Cheetah preys upon are all factors responsible for the chronic decline of the Cheetah in Asia.

The Asiatic Cheetah exists in very low numbers, divided into widely separated populations. Its low density makes it more likely to be affected by a lack of prey through livestock overgrazing and antelope hunting, coupled with direct hunting by humans. Cheetah's were widely hunted by humans for decades and that is the main reason for their drastic decline in numbers.

Though the African cheetah is found in more numbers than their asian cousins, they too are threatened due to habitat loss and hunting.

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12y ago

Humans. Especially in Asia. Land use change has been a major factor in the Cheetah's ecosystem. Hunting, habitat degradation and fragmentation, desertification, and direct killing of wildlife that the Cheetah preys upon are all factors responsible for the chronic decline of the Cheetah in Asia.

The Asiatic Cheetah exists in very low numbers, divided into widely separated populations. Its low density makes it more likely to be affected by a lack of prey through livestock overgrazing and antelope hunting, coupled with direct hunting by humans. Cheetah's were widely hunted by humans for decades and that is the main reason for their drastic decline in numbers.

Though the African cheetah is found in more numbers than their asian cousins, they too are threatened due to habitat loss and hunting.

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12y ago

Because the Savannah is being taken over by farming and cattle raising. The cheetah is getting crowded and outright killed by farmers who see the cheetah as a threat to their own animals.

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7y ago

The cheetah is considered a vulnerable species but not listed as endangered.

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7y ago

Cheetahs, as a whole, are not currently endangered. However, a couple subspecies are listed as endangered. The species overall is considered vulnerable.

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7y ago

With the exception of two subspecies - the northwest African cheetah and the Asiatic cheetah, the species is listed as vulnerable but not endangered.

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15y ago

because its master sticks his tongue out

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