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Hunting, habitat degradation and fragmentation, desertification, and direct killing of wildlife that the Cheetah preys upon are all factors responsible for the chronic decline of the Cheetah in Asia.

The Asiatic Cheetah exists in very low numbers, divided into widely separated populations. Its low density makes it more likely to be affected by a lack of prey through livestock overgrazing and antelope hunting, coupled with direct hunting by humans. Cheetah's were widely hunted by humans for decades and that is the main reason for their drastic decline in numbers.

Though the African cheetah is found in more numbers than their asian cousins, they too are threatened due to habitat loss and hunting.

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From poachers and hunters

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Q: Why are cheetahs in danger?
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Are cheetahs in danger of becoming extinct?


How do adult cheetahs protect themselves from danger?

Cheetahs use their speed to escape from potential predators.

What are dangers to cheetahs?

Hunters are a big danger for cheetahs. The hunters track down the animal, and kill it. Diseases are also a threat to cheetahs.

What danger does a cheetah pose?

Cheetahs pose some danger to livestock but little danger to humans. They are not known to attack humans.

What is happening to the cheetah now?

right now most cheetahs are threatened and they are in danger...

What is the danger the cheetah is facing?

Cheetahs can be killed by Lions, Leopards, packs of Hyenna or African wild dogs. Though very fast they are able to be wounded by hoofs and horns of their prey. Cheetahs escape danger by climbing trees.

What has caused the cheetahs to become endangered or threatened?

farmers shooting them because they were putting livestock in danger.

Should you run if you come close to a cheetah?

Cheetahs are not known to be a danger to humans.

What prey on cheetahs?

Other larger carnivores prey on cheetahs, especially lions. Cheetahs which are younger than three months old are often subject to predation by eagles.Cheetahs only predators are lions... They are the only mortal danger is lions maybe buffalo and elephants because if a cheetah spooks them they will try to stomp on them! So only one carnivore and to herbivores!

What you can do to help Asiatic cheetahs to become extinct?

You do not want them to become extinct, they are beautiful animals, it is already terrible they are in danger. Ways you can make them extinct are: Poaching Polluting Destroy their enviroment

Are cheetahs helpful or harmless?

Cheetahs are both helpful and harmless. There are no records of cheetahs ever attacking a human.

How are king cheetahs and regular cheetahs the same?

King cheetahs are just regular cheetahs with a rare coat pattern mutation.