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They are not really more negative, it is just the way you interpret their behavior. Cats tend to be more independent and passive, and people often read negative things into that.

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Q: Why are cats much more negative than dogs who are like always happy?
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Dogs growl and cats purr what does that mean?

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they are alike because they are both pets and they are different by cats being able to jump on high things and cats are always outside dogs don't' do that and cats go in a liter box. plus dogs are better. cats runaway just like dogs but some dogs bite and don't runaway

Why are cats so unenthusiastic?

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Why do cats not hump you but dogs do?

Dogs do that to leave their scent, or to show you the're happy. Cats only lick to clean. You see, dirt sticks to there tongue, and so does the cat's hair (that explains hair balls). Cats don't wag their tails when there happy either. Cats only rub on stuff to leave there scent. Hope that answers your questions:)

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It often changes. Sometimes there are dogs or iguanas or cats.

Should I have a birthday party for my dog?

When I was growing up we always celebrated our dogs birthdays. We would put a candle in a can of dog food and sing happy birthday to them. My sister still does that for her dog and cats.

Why does cats always look like dogs?

Cats and dogs have very different body structures. Cats have more a more flexible body, which allows them to squeeze into tight places easier. Most cats are smaller than dogs as well, but there are dogs smaller than cats. Cats also have more angled features, and are able to twist their bodies in the air when falling to land on their feet.