It's not so much this particular motion and it's not so much that all bulls get angry at this movement. It's the particular type of bull bred for sporting/fighting purposes that "get angry" at this motion because they've been bred to do so because they feel it is a threat and it needs to be "dealt with" for lack of better terms.
because it bulls chicago
It's so the audience can better see the actions of the matador in the bull ring.
bulls don't hate red colour.they only get angry when they see movement.
NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!!!! Well I don't know about Rottweilers but Pit Bulls are the sweetest little thangs! (I spelled things wrong on purpose) Pit Bulls where originally bred to be 'Nannies'. But so many people find what makes them angry and uses that against them. So, SOOO MANY Pit Bulls get euthanized due to their aggression that humans trained them to have. I have 3 Pit Bulls. They have NEVER EVER EVER bit me, any other human, nor any other dogs. The only reason that Pit Bulls attack are because they are scared, they where trained that way, or they where just protecting their master/owner.
The colour of the object has object has nothing to do with it. Bulls will charge at the movement of the fabric, not the colour.
It depends on how many you want. Bulls are generally aggressive so you want to have enough so they can have some space so if you want two bulls probably about 10 acres.
Most likely the bull will win because it will gore the gorilla with its sharp horns to death. Since gorillas can only throw things or use their chests to fight, they will not beat bulls, especially when the bull is angry. Gorillas and bulls are not predators, but bulls are more skilled in fighting.
its because the train yards in Chicago had people called "bulls" that beat homeless people so they were intimidating.
Germans are so angry because they are superior.
He is not angry. He just did cuz he was bored.
there are so many people on earth bullsh*ting everyday so i'd say there's alot of bulls
ask why she is so angry