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because they have no eye

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Q: Why are baby pandas born blind?
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Related questions

How many pandas can be born?

i think that atleast 4 baby pandas can be born at a time

What are the baby pandas like when they are born?


Was human baby born deth and blind?

Many babies are born deaf and blind.

How many pandas born at one time?

i think that atleast 4 baby pandas can be born at a time

Why are baby kangaroos born blind?

they are born blind because maybe because the eyes are not full developed.

How do pandas look when they are born?

they are pink and blind and very small like 3-5 in. long

How long are baby tigers blind?

well it snt born blind and never is

What do pandas reproduse?

Baby Pandas

From where do baby pandas come?

Baby pandas come from adult pandas through sexual reproduction.

How many baby pandas are born?

1-2 but usuallly one dies :(

What is the cub name for pandas?

baby pandas

What kind of babies do pandas have?

Pandas will give birth to baby pandas.