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The Pomeranian is descended from a large German spitz dogs of the 16th century, like the related Keeshond, Samoyed, and Norwegian Elkhound. The original Pomeranians were much larger, weighing up to 30 pounds and worked as sheep herders.

By 1888 Queen Victoria began breeding and showing Pomeranians. It was she who started breeding them down in size, making the breed very popular in England.

Today's Pomeranian breed weighs 3 to 7 pounds, with the ideal weight for the show specimen being 4 to 6 pounds.

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Not by a long way, quite a few toy breeds are smaller but the smallest Chihuahuas are the smallest

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y of couse daa

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The average litter size is 1 to 3. Note that pomeranians are small dogs and so can only hold a small number of puppies; there have many pomeranians litters with just one litter and 2 and 3 are very common. A pomeranians litter with 4 puppies is considered to be a large one, although litters of up to 5, 6 and even the rare 7 have been reported.

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Pomeranians originally come from Pomerania, Germany. So, you could say their nationality is German. They even used to be called the "German Spitz" breed, but were later named Pomeranians because of the area of Germany they originally came from (Pomerania). Hope this helps! Regards, Ryan S. :)

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Pomeranians are a small breed type of dog. There are not large sized Pomeranians. If you want a larger type of dog that looks like a pomeranian you should try looking at a Collie or a Shetland Sheepdog. Hope this helps!

Are pomeranians good with five year olds?

Sometimes, it depends on they're personalities. All the pomeranians I've met love kids. So, the chances are, they may like them more than hate them.

Do pomeranians shed lots?

It's because instead of fur like other dogs pomeranians have hair like us humans do and we shed alot and so do they.

Do pomeranians get along withother animals?

Well I think it depends on what animal it is!! [I think so]

Where is the origin of the breed pomeranian dog?

Pomeranians are very popular small, lap dogs. The breed descended from the similar, but larger German Spitz. Despite their size, Pomeranians can be aggressive and dominant. However, the dogs respond well to training and bond closely with their owners.

Do pomeranians have ceasars?

Yes of course, they are only small dogs and like all dogs can get ceasars but quite rare if bred well.

Is there a lot lot lot lot lot lot lot lot lot of small teacup pomeranians puppies that are in the pound?

er no?

Which is cuter Pomeranians or Yorkshire terriers?

Yorkshire terriers! ALL the way!!!! But pomeranians are cute but yorkies are better!