Because of Humans. Ancient Chinese Medicine believes that Tigers body parts have medicinal properties. Because of this Tigers were killed extensively and indiscriminately. Because of this, they were pushed to near extinction. India, China and all neighboring countries where the Bengal Tiger lives have banned hunting and so, the tiger population is slowly recovering
The Bengal Tigers are in danger of losing their habitat due to man and poaching also due to man.
they are dying due to illegal hunting and habitat disappearance through human expansion
No, Bengal tigers are not cannibals.
Bengal tigers have no natural wild predators.
bengal tigers are endangerd everywhere but not in zoos
Bengal tigers do not eat their mother.
"Bengal tigers" is "Bengaliska tigrar" in Swedish.
Yes Bengal tigers are mammals.
there are 2301 Bengal tigers left in the world
Us humans are a threat to Bengal tigers
Bengal tigers are said to have fur.
2300 Bengal Tigers