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It used to be that a rabies vaccination had to be given to the abdomen after someone was bitten by an animal though to have rabies. This was because the gut was where the virus was thought to replicate. Now days, the vaccine no longer has to be given in the abdomen.

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Q: Why a dog bite injection is given to the abdomen?
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Can you eat chicken after taking injection for dog bite?

Yes, you can eat chicken after receiving an injection for a dog bite. There is no specific dietary restriction associated with this type of treatment. However, if you have concerns or experience any adverse reactions, consult with a healthcare provider.

Why is your arm swollen after being bitten by a dog?

The dog bite has left your arm infected, you must go and see a qualified medical practitioner (a doctor) as soon as possible to have the bite treated. You probably need a tetanus injection, antibiotics and (depending where you live perhaps treatment for rabies).

When was Dog Bite Dog created?

Dog Bite Dog was created on 2006-08-17.

Why did your own dog bite you?

your dog bite you when its annoyed or stressed

Why doesnt your dog bite?

your dog might not bite you but when it is protecting you it will bite the enemy. my dog has never bit me but it has tryed to bite other people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(that person was terrified)

Is 2 month pet dog bite is poision?

No, a dog bite is not poisonous.

How would you handle a ferocious dog rushing toward you threatening to bite you?

Dont run! protect your face & mainly your throat (that is what the dog with go for! Then if possible kick it in its abdomen! if it does stop attacking & i mean doesn't stop!!! use other appropriate force's

Can you bite a guard dog?

It would be a terrible idea to bite a guard dog. They bite back, and their teeth are bigger than yours.

What is the meaning of the proverb the silent dog is the first to bite?

what is meaning of the silent dog is the first to bite

What do you do when you made your dog bite your brother?

Confess and take the consequences. And, do not ever do it again--you are training your dog to bite if you do.

What does a coyote bite mark look like?

a coyote is a wild dog do it looks like a dog bite

What kind of dog never bite?

A trusting dog.