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She keeps moving them because she thinks where they are is not safe for them .

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Q: Why Does Mother Dog Keep Moving Pups Location?
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Mother just had pups 2 days ago after bathing mother to get rid of fleas how can you get I rid of fleas on pups?

Newborn pups: give bath in sink. Pups: give bath in sink :D

What if the mother doesn't no how to care for her pups?

try to bottle feed her pups

When your dog is about to have pups under the house can her and the babies be moved inside after birth or will that make her not want to feed them?

It is best to leave the mother and puppies undisturbed in a quiet, warm, secure place where they were born. Moving them can cause stress and interfere with the bonding process. Ensure the area is safe and comfortable for them and provide food, water, and medical attention if necessary.

Can pups go at 6 weeks?

Pups should leave their mother no earlier than 8 weeks. This is for the health and well being of the pups. Pups who leave their mother's and family's before 8 weeks have a higher rate of illness.

Do you need to keep the father away from the babies?

Because once the female has her pups the mate gets too excited and when the comes in he could be too ruff and hurt one of the pups and also the mother would get angry and protective because she knows that the mate is too excited so she trys to protect the pups and keep the mate away. If the male comes and get too ruff with the pups then the mother is going to attack the male and one of them could get hurt. And if it's bears you're referring to, the boar could actually EAT the cubs.

Is it okay to move puppies as soon as they are born?

Yes. Just as long as you keep the mother with her pups,obviously. It depends on the mother dog. More specifically, on how much she trusts you. Some mother dogs will ignore puppies who have been handled by someone. It's best not to touch or move newborn pups unless it's absolutely necessary.

Can a mother give her pups heartworms?


How are sea otter pups cared for?

by their mother

A dog had a litter of 7 pups. The mother and one pup weighed fifteen pounds. The mother and two pups weighed seventeen pounds. How much did the litter of seven pups weigh by themselves?

someone anser it plese

What is the average number of pups a mother wolf gives birth to in one litter?

about 5-6 pups

How do you get your pups to come with you to find a new den on wolfquest?

You cannot. Once you have selected a den, your family will stay on that densite until the final mission locates you to the summer location. If you're referring to moving them to the summer location, here's a tip: Before starting the mission, find an elk carcass and fill your "food for pups" bar to its maximum capacity, then head to the summer site.

Why wont your mother dog stimulate her pups?

She is homosexual.