kick boxer think about it getting a kick to the head would hurt way more than a piunch to the head now think about getting kicked and puch repeatedly as aposed to just getting punched. the kick boxer would win I agree
Dude, goku consumes planets, he would kick some butt there.
a megaraptor
Chuck Norris would use his infinate round house kick and the lion would die from shear awesomeness
Yes she can. She is a black belt in everything from Tae Kwon Doe to Martial Arts. She is also a good boxer and kick boxer. I think Tae Kwon Doe is a form of Martial Arts basically she can beat the hell out of you XD
Kick them between the legs really hard. It only takes 4 pounds of pressure to 'bust-a-nut'. I assure it will only take one kick and the fight will be over.
Taekwondo might defeat a kick boxer. It depends entirely on the skills of the combatants. Both arts are highly effective methods of combat.
One can learn to become a kick boxer by signing up for kick boxing lessons at a local gym. One can also learn to be a kick boxer by watching Youtube tutorials or reading articles.
Depends on what you mean by fight. If you are asking about where to kick in a point match, there are rules about where you can and cannot kick to protect the participants from injury. In a street fight, you kick where ever you can. But realize that you will have to answer for any injuries that result.
its no man throws a punch and its because its a girl
amir khan
Grandmaster Israel C. Ortiz