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kick boxer think about it getting a kick to the head would hurt way more than a piunch to the head now think about getting kicked and puch repeatedly as aposed to just getting punched. the kick boxer would win

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Q: Who would win in a fight a boxer or kickboxer?
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Who would win in a fight between a boxer and a kick boxer?

Kick boxer A Kickboxer would knock a boxer out any day!

Does a boxer get paid if they win a fight?

yes he does even when he loses when he loses he gets minimum: 35,000

Can capoeira beat a kickboxer?

I would say that in most cases the kickboxer will win. While capoeira is going to be physically fit, the kick boxer can take a lot of punishment. I'm not sure the same can be said of a capoeira practitioner. That is not to say there aren't some that could win, but I would say generally they would get hurt early. Winning a fight is not a question of martial arts, but a question of individual. So this question has no correct answer. 2 B honest I use Capoeira, I've been training for almost 2 years. But my answer is, no matter what, all fighting styles can beat each other. Kickboxers have won and lost evenly, and Capoeiraist have won and lost evenly.

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