yes it is
A Golden Retriever is probably better and much more sporty than a Maltese.
My tidal lung capacity was lower. I know the difference because in the tidal lung capacity you are taking in less breath. When you are doing the vital lung capacity, you take in more breath.
Well I think Golden retriever is more playful than dalmatians. But golden retrievers grow really big.
it depends. my golden retriever had a litter of 4 once but then had a litter of 10.
Lung capacity is a physical difference in the volume of the lungs. Lung capacity depends on how much air can fill the lungs. A man's lung capacity is larger than a woman's lung capacity.
A golden retriever lab would shed more than a Border Collie Lab mix. Both are very good dogs, but I think that a Golden Retriever Lab mix's are more the family type and very loyal.
The lung capacity vary on the person's age, gender, where he lives and more. For example, if he lives in a smoke-free area his lung capacity is probably more. The average lung capacity for a human is 4-6 liters of air and the average lung capacity for a 10-11 year old is around 4 liters.
Golden retrievers shed much more that Australian shephers, in fact I think Golden retrievers shed the most
the lung are the same in the capacity,,,
I don't think it is necessary to trim ur golden retriever if it is still young. If you want ur dog to look more neat, you can, but when it grows up it is necessary.
Yes, you can increase your lung capacity when you grow. When your grow you need more air, so your lungs grow with you. The taller you grow the more air you need!