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DAD when the moms getting food both while shes back

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Q: Who takes care of the baby penguins mommy or daddy?
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What does the mommy penguin do wihle the daddy takes care of the baby?

they go fishing well for fish

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it is a seed that the daddy duck plants in a mommy duck to make a baby duck

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it is when the mommy and the daddy were booming each other the he toke his condom off and jizzed in her and the baby was born in Canada

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cause there doing the dance that makes the stork bring the baby

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it can take a much possibility that it is a your baby can be a bit dark or the baby can only get the color to his or her mommy or daddy

How does baby come from?

they come from your mommys vagina... when mommy and daddy or your male doctor wrestle with no clothes on (: -love, ariana(:

Is gold renewible?

Yes it is, when a daddy gold loves a mommy gold they make a baby gold. I hope this helps.

How do unicorns make love?

when a daddy unicorn loves a mommy unicorn very much the daddy straddles the mommy and tackles her like a football player over and over again then thedaddy sticks his horn in her so that the baby will come out ur welcome

The name of the three teddy bears?

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