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Q: Who is often referred to as the thinking man's beagle?
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At present there is no such procedure as a "brain" (or should that be a "body") transplant. Thus it has not affected mans ways of thinking.

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Bibendum. Also referred to as Bib, or Bibelobis.

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He has had several, but you are probably thinking of Lex Luthor.

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A belend is so very awesome. It is the top part of a mans penis also referred to as a 'head'.

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yes they cant talk but they know what your thinking how do you think they became mans best friend.

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I think it means she is thinking deeply abt dat person.

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Cocks. Heh heh i know what your thinking! No the type of bird! Or dogs,Mans best friend.... ~Me~

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as mans eye work :P

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For example if science and technology proved that theres no God and that will affect beliefs.ya mum