It really depends what you want. Cocker spaniel's are often Bonkers, Mad, Mental and Crazy! Where as so are Cockapoo's. A cockapoo is a mixed breed cross between a Cocker spaniel and a poodle.
Poodle females are very nice and easy to potty train. I personally have a Cocker Spaniel and I love him to bits, he is going 7 soon and has calmed down a lot over the years, so always keep that in mind.
Just down the road from me lives a family with a labradoodle dog, a mixed breed cross between a labrador and a poodle, this is a big dog but is quite shy and grumpy. Most cross breeds have a very different personality other than Cocker Spaniel.
Everything but angora is a type of dog.
Yes. they should do :) They are a lovely breed of dog. The only aggressive Cocker spaniels I have met are golden cockers. But if you've had a cocker spaniel for many years, and then decide to bring home a puppy, they might get a little jealous. So be careful. but if you get them the same time. it should be fine :) x
Lady is an American Cocker Spaniel .
"Cocker" in the breed name "Cocker Spaniel" comes from the "cock" part of "woodcock" - the game that the Cocker Spaniel was first bred to hunt, flush and retrieve.
its a different type of cocker spaniel. there are American and English ones. generallly the English ones are more expensive but a better temprement
Lady was a Cocker Spaniel, although Disney never stated whether she was the American or English variety. Based on her appearance, most people agreed that she was an American Cocker Spaniel.
She is a Cocker Spaniel.People debate on what kind of Spaniel, though.
no, English cocker spaniel became cocker spaniel in he 14th century.
"Cocker" is an adjective; "spaniel" is a noun. So the plural is cocker spaniels.
no the cocker spaniel isn't the pet of the month!!!
Can this cocker spaniel can hurt you or make you sick
border collies are SO much better