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Q: Who is The thin man's dog?
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A dog is considered as what?

Dog is considered MANS BEST FRIEND -Torey

What animal is known to be mans best friend?

the animal known to be mans best friend is a dog

Do you believe that dog is not a mans best friend?


What are the Ecologial significance of a dog?

mans best friend

What does the phrase a dog is a mans best friend mean?

exactly that

Are pets a mans best friend?

Not all pets are mans best friend, they said that dog's specifically are man's best friend. It depends.

What part did the family play in the Diary of a Wimpy Kid?

The family played bob who was a dog. a blind mans dog

What is the meaning of 'whippet thin'?

Whippets are a skinny, greyhound-like dog. If a person is whippet thin, they have qualities similar to the dog, in that they are thin, with a slight connotation of athleticism and poise, rather than thin and weak.

What makes a dog a mans best friend?

There friendship and love for each other.

What does a dog do better than a human at its job?

being mans best friend

Why do they say dog is mans best friend?

they have been with people for 1000 of years

Which one is better dog or a cat?

It depends. A cat is less work and you don't have to walk it, but a dog is mans best friend.