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Q: Who invented a mammal?
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Has a automatic baby mammal milk feeder been invented?


Who invited milk?

God... milk is produced by most, if not all, pregnant mammal's, it was not invented.

Is a horse a mammal or an amphibian?

No, a Horse is a mammal.

What is Alaska's animal?

* Land mammal: Moose * Marine mammal: Bowhead whale* Land mammal: Moose * Marine mammal: Bowhead whale* Land mammal: Moose * Marine mammal: Bowhead whale* Land mammal: Moose * Marine mammal: Bowhead whale* Land mammal: Moose * Marine mammal: Bowhead whale* Land mammal: Moose * Marine mammal: Bowhead whale

Is a leopard a mammal or a reptile?

A leopard is a mammal.

Is badger a mammal?

yes it is a mammal

Is an anteater a mammal?

Yes. It is a mammal.

What kind a mammal is a whale?

Whales and dolphins are Cetaceans..

Bass is to fish as horse is to?

a bass is to fish as horse is to mammal

Is a girrafe a mammal?

Yes, a giraffe is a mammal.

What rainforest mammal has no skeleton?

none if a mammal doesnt have a spine then it is not a mammal

A mammal that ends with the letter a?

Hyena is a mammal. The zebra also is a mammal.