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Tiger shark, as the Blue whale has baleen, and I know for sure the giant anteater has no teeth.

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Q: Who has the most teeths a blue whale a tiger shark or an anteater?
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Is there something called a tiger whale?

Only a tiger shark.

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no, it is the whale shark

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yes the can but also a tiger shark can eat a killer whale

Do tiger sharks eat whales?

no the tiger shark is afraid of the whale shark, but eats almost everything.

Can you name 8 types of sharks?

megalodon sharks, great white sharks, frilled sharks, thresher sharks, tiger sharks, sand tiger sharks, lemon sharks, bull sharks, whale sharks, basking sharks, lepord sharks,black tip sharks. there is 12.

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there are no known whales that eat tiger sharks

Why can a shark whale's body compact under sea?

A shark whales body will not be compacted under water because the density of its skin is to hard, this is why sharks like The Great White and Tiger shark do not attack the whale shark.

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