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From what I heard a wolf

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Q: Who has a better bite force wolf or cougar?
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Who will win - wolf or lion?

The lion no doubt. Even though the wolf has a higher bite force than the lion, still won't help him. We saw a video of a cougar killing a lone wolf. Imagine how a bigger and stronger lion would do. The lion has a larger and fatter canines and long sharp claws. A wolf's skull could fit into lion's mouth. Wolf has 406 lbs bite force and hyenas has 1000lbs of bite force and lion kills hyena easy.

Wolf per square inch bite pressure?

a wolf can a bite force if 800-2000 lbs depneds on the breed of wolf and the size

Which would win in a fight a grey wolf or a spotted hyena?

This would probably not happen in real life but if you think about it, a wolf is fast and has a good bite but a hyena has a better bite force so with that in mind it may just be a draw.

Can a cougar kill a wolf?

Yes. A cougar is stronger and larger than a wolf.

Wolf bite force?

A wolf's bite force is around 1,500 pounds per square inch (psi). This powerful bite allows wolves to easily take down prey and crush bones. Wolves also have strong jaws and sharp teeth that aid in their hunting and feeding behavior.

Can a gray wolf eat a cougar?

If by that you mean can a wolf kill an adult cougar, not unless the cougar is sick, or very aged. Cougars can kill wolves in conflicts.

Are Jacobs pack better than the Cullens?

No. The cullens are way better and powerful than the wolf pack. Just one bite on a werewolf from a vampire can kill the wolf.

Is a cougar a wolf's enemy?


Which is taller on all 4s wolf or cougar?

The wolf is, averaging 25 in. to 3 feet at the shoulder, but the cougar is 2 feet at the shoulder.

Who are mules predators?

cougar,wolf and bear

How do cougar's eat?

they eat like a wolf

The opposite of a cougar woman?

Wolf man