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Q: Who does the lactaid milk cow voice?
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What is lactaid milk made from?

A cow that is lactose intolerant. Every time the cow gets milked it gets the same symptoms as a human who is lactose intolerant.

Is Lactaid milk organic?

No, Lactaid milk is not organic.

Is Lactaid milk pasteurized?

Yes, Lactaid milk is pasteurized.

How much phosphorus in lactaid milk?

How much phosphorous in a cup of lactaid milk and organic milk?

What can i take if Lactaid does not work?

The best answer is to use alternatives to cow milk - such as soy milk or rice milk. Also, most people with lactose intolerance can eat yogurt.

Is acidophilus milk the same as lactaid milk?


Can you feed a dog lactaid milk intended for humans?

It is not recommended to feed a dog lactaid milk intended for humans. Dogs are lactose intolerant and may still have trouble digesting lactaid milk. It is best to consult with a veterinarian for suitable alternatives for your dog's dietary needs.

Will lactaid milk spoils faster than regular milk?

It's the other way around - the Lactaid will last longer.

How long does Lactaid milk last after opening?

Once opened, Lactaid milk typically lasts for about 7-10 days in the refrigerator.

Does Lactaid milk have gluten?

No, all milk is gluten free.

Where does lactaid milk come from?

Lactaid milk is milk that has had the lactose, milk sugar, removed. Some people cannot digest lactose so they have to drink milk without lactose if they want to drink milk.

How long does Lactaid milk last once opened?

Once opened, Lactaid milk typically lasts for about 7-10 days in the refrigerator.