mates, schools, and food
Depending on where they live, Killer Whales compete with sharks for food. In areas where orcas depend on mainly fish as the majority of their diet, such as the Pacific Northwest, they also compete with dolphins, whales, and porpoises.
If you are asking are dolphins unsexual, or unisex. No, there are female and male dolphins. Males compete for the right to breed with females, and females carry the young until they give birth. The females are responsible for feeding the young and raising them until they reach maturity. The females will join together in groups to help with babysitting duties while they feed.
can you compete if you have not signed a non compete agreement
I like to compete in chess tournaments.Nobody can compete with his score.
only one species of dolphins at this time that are going extinct are the pink river dolpinsHector's dolphins (New Zealand dolphins) are also in danger of becoming extinct. The endangered river dolphins are Amazon River dolphins, Ganges River dolphins, Chinese White dolphins, Indus River dolphins, and La Plata River dolphins.
Dolphins are vertebrates.
No, but some species of dolphins are endangered, like the Indus River dolphins and the Yangtzee River dolphins. The pink Amazon River dolphins and the Ganges River dolphins are classed as
they are both dolphins.
Men compete in decathlon, women compete in heptathlon. Men do not compete in heptathlon, women do not compete in decathlon.
they are the same as regular dolphins. Pink dolphins are just albino dolphins.