no a horse can run up to 30mph and the fastest human can only run up to 25 mph
race horses can reach 30mph+
A horse can reach speeds of up to about 70 km/h. Witha stride lenght of 7 meters.
A "bolt" is not a gait, it is simply when a horse takes off unexpectedly. The fastest speed a horse can travel is at a gallop when they can reach speeds of 40 MPH.
No, the larger horse would have more kinetic energy than the smaller horse because kinetic energy is directly proportional to mass. Since the larger horse has more mass, it would have more kinetic energy even if they are moving at the same speed.
Both will go about the same speed 15 -20 mph. except for 2 domestic breeds the Thoroughbred and the quarter hore which can reach speeds of 30-50mph.
The fastest breed of horse is the American Quarter horse, which can reach up to 55 m/h (88 km/h) for a short distance. A Thoroughbred horse can only run as fast as 45mph.
Yes, top speed a horse can reach an average of about 45mph this is much faster then the fastest lava flow,
The frame of reference for position, speed, and acceleration is the point of view from which these quantities are being observed or measured. It provides a fixed system of coordinates relative to which measurements are made. Common examples include an observer standing still on the ground (in the case of a moving object) or a stationary laboratory frame.
34mph is the average for most horses. 45 is more like the speed of racehorses and Quarter horses can reach 55 miles an hour for short sprints
If the horse is a Quarter Horse, it can run at over 50 mph. If it's anything else, it probably will run at about 40 mph. With barrels, however, the horse probably won't be able to reach full speed.
No, the larger horse would have more kinetic energy than the smaller horse due to having greater mass. Kinetic energy is proportional to an object's mass and velocity, so the larger horse would have a higher kinetic energy despite moving at the same speed as the smaller horse.