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Answer :Tennessee Walkers are a commonly found horse breed in the united states . BC of their long legs and tall musclar bodies They are born with a very smooth gait with 5 diff gaits. These horses are fond of their masters and great horses.

tenessee walkers were obviously from tenesee

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Q: Who are the Tennessee Walkers?
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What is a Tennessee walking horse's prey?

Tennessee Walkers, like all other horses, are not predators, and therefore have no prey.

What are some or facts about the Tennessee Walking Horse?

Tennessee Walkers have very many interesting facts, but I'll just tell you a few:1. TWH do not race, instead they have a really smooth gait, there's even a competition for Tennessee Walkers where the rider holds a galass of water, the TWH does it's pace, and the water doesn't spill.2. Unlike Arabians, TWH are very good tempered.3. When most Tennessee Walking Horses do it's special gaits, they nods their heads in timing.

Are Tennessee Walkers fast?

At the gallop they can be quite fast but they are not race horses and were bred for the walking gait or the better named hereditary running walk at which they excel.

What gait are Tennessee walkers known for?

The running walk, which is the equine equivalent of the human racing walk. They also tend to amble (pace) instead of trotting.

Can the Waller horse be palomino?

I truly have never heard of the Waller horse, palomino or otherwise. Maybe you mean the Tennessee Walker. Walkers come in many colors and palomino is one of them.

What are the walkers on clone wars called?

Just walkers.

When was The Shadow Walkers created?

The Shadow Walkers was created in 1995.

What is the purpose of walkers crisps?

the porpose of the walkers crisps business

When was Diamond Walkers created?

Diamond Walkers was created in 1965.

When was Walkers Shortbread created?

Walkers Shortbread was created in 1898.

How many seats are there in the walkers Stadium?

There is 32,500 seat's at the walkers stadium Leicester