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Due to their sheer size, adult Giraffe's are not vulnerable to predators like leopards, hyenas, wild dogs etc. However, large lion packs headed by large Adult Male lions have been known to hunt down a full grown giraffe. But, this is very rare. On the other hand, calf's are very vulnerable to predators. A lion pack can easily kill a giraffe calf or even an adolescent. Hyena and wild doc packs too are known to prey on giraffe calves.

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Q: Who are giraffe enemies?
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Who are their enemies giraffe?


How does a giraffe protect itself from enemies?

Because the giraffe is a large, heavy, and very tall animal, it can trample almost any other animal.

What is a giraffe function?

To crush their enemies, see them driven before them, and to hear the lamentation of their women.

What is a giraffe's life function?

To crush their enemies, see them driven before them, and to hear the lamentation of their women.

Why are lions and humans giraffe's enemies?

1. Lions kill/eat giraffes. 2. People kill/imprison giraffes. you do the math.

What enemies does giraffe have?

Lions, leopards, and hyenas are the main enemy of the giraffe, although they usually attack the baby giraffes and not the full grown giraffe. But occasionally they attempt to kill an adult giraffe. A giraffe defends their baby by using their powerful legs front and back. A kick from a giraffe can kill a lion or human. Sometimes the male giraffes use their heads as weapons. Their heads can break bones and catapult the unlucky predator through the air. But giraffes are more of an animal that would rather run than fight. Since they are very fast runners they have that option.

What would win a fight between a giraffe and a mountain gorilla They are in a room with high ceilings. There are only enough leaves for one of them to eat so they HAVE to fight.?

This is a very funny question and quite thoughtful. A gorilla probably would not fight with the giraffe and the giraffe would not even be afraid of a gorilla. Giraffe's have no natural enemies and neither do gorillas. I would like to see a matchup between a polar bear and a grizzly bear - now that could be a war.

Does the Giraffe have any enemies?

Due to their sheer size, adult Giraffe's are not vulnerable to predators like leopards, hyenas, wild dogs etc. However, large lion packs headed by large Adult Male lions have been known to hunt down a full grown giraffe. But, this is very rare. On the other hand, calf's are very vulnerable to predators. A lion pack can easily kill a giraffe calf or even an adolescent. Hyena and wild doc packs too are known to prey on giraffe calves.

Does giraffe have enemies?

Yes. Due to their sheer size, adult Giraffe's are not vulnerable to predators like leopards, hyenas, wild dogs etc. However, large lion packs headed by large Adult Male lions have been known to hunt down a full grown giraffe. But, this is very rare. On the other hand, calf's are very vulnerable to predators. A lion pack can easily kill a giraffe calf or even an adolescent. Hyena and wild doc packs too are known to prey on giraffe calves.

What are the different kinds of giraffe?

There are six; Reticulated Giraffe Masai Giraffe Rothschild Giraffe South African Giraffe Thornicroft Giraffe Nigerian Giraffe

What do Rothschilds giraffe Masai giraffe Reticulated giraffe Thornicorts giraffe Kordofan giraffe Angolan giraffe and Southern giraffe look like?

It seems incredible, but they look like giraffes.

Which is taller- a giraffe or an elephant?

a giraffe is taller