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The deepest male whale diver is the sperm whale

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Q: Which whale is the deepest male diver?
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What aquatic mammal can swim the deepest?

The whale swims deepest.

What whale can dive the deepest into the ocean?

it is simple it is the spram whale

Did mr Walsh the deepest diver ever have to go into a hyperberic chamber after his dive?

yes he does, and he's not really a good diver.

What is the deepest a scuba diver with open water certification can go?

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What is a male whale is called?

A male whale, is called a bull.

What is a male or female whale called?

a female whale is a cow and male is a bull

What mammal or fish lives in the deepest sea?

The beluga whale, specifically their children live in the deepest, bluest of seas.

Is Tom Daley the number 1 UK male diver?

Yes he is a champion Diver.

Is a whale shark gentle?

The whale shark is the most gentle shark, where a diver could pet it and swim right next to it.

Which killer whale is longer a female or male?

male killer whale

Is the Leatherback Sea Turtle the deepest diving animal?

No, but it is the deepest diving sea turtle at about 1200ft. The sperm whale is the deepest diving animal at about 2000ft. "An international team studying diving capacity of two beaked whales species, Cuvier's beaked whale (Ziphius cavirostris) and Blainville's beaked whale (Mesoplodon densirostris), discovered that these species achieve the deepest and longest dives of any air-breathing species. " Source: Softpedia

What are some careers involving marine mammals?

Whale and dolphin trainer, scuba diver