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Q: Which mammal behave eggs lays?
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Sea turtle an mammal?

No because it lays eggs. The only mammal that lays eggs is the platypus. It is a reptile.

A monotreme is a mammal that?

A monotreme is a mammal that lays eggs.

Who is a mammal who also lays eggs?

The platypus.

Does a platopus lay eggs?

yes it is the only mammal that lays eggs.

What is an animal called if it lays eggs?


What bird is a mammal?

no bird is not mammel as he lays eggs.

Is a pelican a mammal?

No, I is a bird and it lays eggs.

What mammal lays eggs and have dry scales?

No mammal lays eggs and has dry scales. The only mammals which lay eggs are monotremes, which include the platypus and the echidna, both of which have fur (while the echidna also has spines).

Is the giant totoise a mammal?

No because it lays eggs. Its a reptile.

Are monkeys monotremes?

Monkeys are not monotremes. A monotreme is a mammal that lays eggs. You must have thought of mammal.

What is a mammal that lays eggs live in water and star with a p?

A platypus.

Name the mammal which lays eggs and characterised by webbed feet?
